Which Crops Depend on Bee Pollination?
Bees are remarkable, hardworking creatures that are responsible for pollinating two-thirds of Australia’s agricultural production. They provide so much more than honey. They are integral in maintaining a healthy and diverse ecosystem. Many of our much loved back yard crops require pollination to be fertilised and be productive. A lack of pollination can result in a low or no yield.

We love to grow flowering plants amongst our veggies to encourage more bees into the garden and assist in pollinating our fruit and veg. Pollination occurs when insects like bees, flies and butterflies visit flowers, collect the pollen and transfer it to a neighbouring flower. Pollen grains stick to the insect and some grains are then rubbed off onto the next flower the insect visits. Kiwi fruits for example need to be visited by a pollinator over 40 times for the female flower to produce a fruit.
Many crops are unable to produce fruit and vegetables without the help of pollinators. So, what veggies require bees and how can you benefit from incorporating pollinator friendly plants in your patch. Our friends over at the Wheen Bee Foundation have developed the following pollination guide so you can see which crops rely on pollination!
How can you bring more bees into your garden?
We suggest planting a variety of flowering bee-friendly plants that will bloom throughout the year. Remember, plant an abundance of these plants amongst dependent crops to maximise your harvest and provide plenty of food to sustain our hard working bees!
See our favourite bee-friendly flowering plants that you can grow in your garden.