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Single Varietal Honey

Bee Delicate
Lucerne Honey

Jar 350g

Lucerne Honey is one of the lightest coloured Australian honeys. It has aromas of sweet honey and is mild and delicate with a pleasant grassy flavour. Lucerne Honey is fast to crystallise.



BDLUCEJAR350 _Beechworth-Honey-Bee-Delicate-Lucerne-Jar

Botanical Information

Lucerne (Medicago sativa) is a legume also known as alfalfa. It is a perennial plant (continually recurring) and is an important nectar source for bees. The flowers stay open for up to one week and are usually pollinated within the first few days of opening. The colour of the blossom across a paddock changes from a bright blue to a dull, blue-grey appearance when pollinated. Flowers from January – February.

More Information

Geographical Information

Lucerne is a crop that is grown across Australia for grazing, hay, and silage, as well as a green manure and cover crop. It is also sold as alfalfa sprouts. Tintinara and Bordertown in SA is where most of the lucerne honey is produced.

About Single Varietal Honey

The flavours of single varietal honey reflect a plant source and its unique flowers, pollen and nectar. Our single varietal honeys are a true reflection of nature with each plant species creating distinctly different colours, tastes and textures of honey.

This honey is silky…

This honey is silky and smooth, pairs perfectly with greek yoghurt & homemade granola on banana bread. My favourite varietal honey.

Jaimi, September 6, 2018


100% Australian Honey

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