Single Varietal Honey
Bee Fruity
Coolibah Honey
Coolibah Honey is extra light amber to light amber in colour and captures the freshness of spring blossoms amongst the farm orchard. The flavour is clean, fresh and fruity with slight hints of apple or pear.
Botanical Information
Coolibah (Eucalyptus coolabah) is a small, gnarled tree with a short truck and open crown. With the main flowering period in summer, ensuring there is ample water available nearby for the bees is a consideration for beekeepers. Placing the bee hives under shade also helps the risk of heat stress on colonies.
More info: Coolibah
Geographical Information
Coolibah are found in NSW, Qld, NT, SA and WA. They prefer arid and semi-arid regions and areas adjacent to water courses that are normally parched but experience periodic flooding every 4-5 years.
About Single Varietal Honey
The flavours of single varietal honey reflect a plant source and its unique flowers, pollen and nectar. Our single varietal honeys are a true reflection of nature with each plant species creating distinctly different colours, tastes and textures of honey.
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100% Australian Honey
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