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Raw Honey & Honeycomb

Bee Raw
Manuka Tea Tree Honey

100% Australian unfiltered natural Manuka & Tea Tree Honey. This is a blend of Tea Tree (Leptospermum) Honey and Manuka Honey, which are a collective of subspecies of Tea Tree and common to both Australia and New Zealand.

Manuka & Tea Tree Honey has a deep caramel aroma and a dry menthol aftertaste. A highly differentiated, slightly astringent honey with distinctive and delicious bold flavours.


Product type



What makes Manuka Honey and Tea Tree Honey special?

Manuka Honey and Tea Tree Honey both have antibacterial and healing properties. Medical grade honey sourced from Leptospermum plants has become a modern treatment for wounds and skin infections. Read more here.

At Beechworth Honey, we acknowledge the medical benefits of some Leptospermum honeys, but we don’t make any medical claims with our honey. We are all about 100% Australian honey, amazing flavour and the health giving vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants of all 100% Australian honey.

Fantastic honey

Fantastic honey

jennifer nixon, April 23, 2018

I’m from Mexico I…

I’m from Mexico I visited Australia 6 months ago and I brought many honey goods from Beechworth :) it’s the best honey I ever tried!...

Grecia Lara Huerta, October 7, 2018



jolis1180, November 14, 2018

I suffer with fibromyalgia…

I suffer with fibromyalgia and have had a shocking year with bronchitis knocking me out for 5 weeks before Winter even started. I've been taking a teaspoon with my morning shake, which is easy as, and I am loving this addition to my health routine, which is essential for someone with a chronic illness.

chill285, October 31, 2019

This is BY FAR…

This is BY FAR my most favorite. Can't get enough of a beautiful blend.

lateral_lines, September 3, 2020


100% Australian Honey

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