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Single Varietal Honey

Bee Warm
Yapunyah Honey

Jar 350g

Yapunyah Honey is pale to medium amber in colour and has a sweet honey aroma and warm caramel flavour. It has a medium sweetness and a slight aftertaste. Yapunyah Honey crystallises rapidly.



BWYAPUJAR350_BeechworthHoney_Yapunyah_Jar (1)

Botanical Information

Yapunyah (Eucalyptus ochrophloia) is also called Napunyah and produces abundant blossoms which are loved by bees. This tree is very drought tolerant but produces the best crops of honey after flooding.

Geographical Information

Yapunyah is found in the channel country of inland Australia.

About Single Varietal Honey

The flavours of single varietal honey reflect a plant source and its unique flowers, pollen and nectar. Our single varietal honeys are a true reflection of nature with each plant species creating distinctly different colours, tastes and textures of honey.

My new favourite honey…

My new favourite honey - flavour is beautiful, very sweet, not sure I want to waste it in a hot chocolate, but guess I could give it a go!

Kate, June 6, 2018


100% Australian Honey

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